The Power of your Vision board.. ☺️

Let me just take y'all back down memory lane real quick...

I made a vision board at the end of 2020 and before I placed my pictures/inspirations on it I named it 2021-2022 so I can keep adding on to my short term goals within the next two years and baby....I have been checking things off that vision board left and right.

Not saying that I couldn't BUT the self sabotage was kicking my ass... Like I know I can but it was still that doubt/fear of "do I even deserve it?". It's always about perfect timing and honestly with the way my IG was going, I thought my time was up. (If you haven't read part 1 of why I was over Instagram, click here.) I was on the verge of giving up and just focusing on one part of my social then I would turn around and just say Eff it, Ima just delete everything because it honestly became way too much. So many other people or influencers that I know were feeling the same way honestly social media is just not the same anymore. The owners are trying to find any way to make money off us instead of using us to HELP BRING IN THE MONEY! But I'll save that for my part two of my next blog post.

One of the goals I wrote down on my vision board was to reach 18K followers on IG by Dec 31st 2022..

To some people, this is a low number and you should always go bigger but honestly I wanted to to write down something that was achievable for ME. I been making content and blogs for awhile and I was stuck at 7k followers for almost two years. This year was the year I was going to give up creating content and just help others with their social media presence but then this happened:


I was not expecting this at all. I would of been fine with just 10K but y'all showed out for me and I appreciate every last one of y'all sooooooo much ❤️ It all happened because I posted one selfie with a little titty action (like I always do) but this one must of been different lol.

Idk if this was a sign to get my ish together and get back in my content bag or it was just simply my time and now I can come back better than ever! But either way I am grateful of how it played out and I can't wait to start making more content for you guys! Make sure to subscribe to my website and all my social media so you can be the first to see all my new posts!

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