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Weight Loss Update - Down 75lbs

Hey everybody! I hope 2021 is off to a good start for everyone!

I haven't really talked about my weight loss journey in awhile so I figured I would touch base! If you know me, you know I have tried every DIET/Gym there was in the past and NOTHING was working... like nothing. I finally decided I was fed up and decided to really see what the Keto diet was like. If you unsure of what the diet consists of, click here. (Because I hate repeating myself lol). I went cold turkey away from carbs for a few months and I started going to my trainer three days a week. I seen small results after a month and then I just continued taking baby steps until the year was up and more weight was lost than I thought. I won't sit here and say I did Keto the full year.. I did have some low carb meals here and there but it was NOT the old intake of carbs that I was used to.

I can't believe I am here typing these out... but as of Feb 2021 I have lost a total of 75lbs. I remember losing like 7lbs and being excited but wow, I am so proud of myself I stuck to my goals and pushed through. I attached this reference to see how much is 75lbs pounds just to make it exciting for me once I hit my next goal!

One thing I will say is that if you are on a weight loss journey or you are looking to start, you have to be mentally AND physically ready. People ask me all the time what pushed me to start and keep going and I always say I was finally fed up. Not the fed when you keep taking your man back when you shouldn't be, the fed up like they did your nails wrong on your birthday! 😂 I was over how I looked in some of my clothes and I knew I needed a change! Not for any man, not for brand, for my damn self, I knew I looked good but I could look better!

We always fall off or lose hope but I didn't let that thought stay in my head longer than 48 hours. No matter how I was feeling, I owed it to myself to continue with what I had in store. I kept doing my research and I reading the ingredients so I could stay on top of my game! Staying consistent and being willing to learn is a big part of your journey, if you aren't willing to keep learning it will be hard for you to stay on track in my opinion.

Don't forget to take pictures along your progress, because once you see that before and after picture you will be shocked! If you want to follow along and see how I keep furthering my journey, follow my IG page: @beYANfit. I want to record a YouTube answering any more questions you might have so leave a comment or message me on my fitness page so I can keep a track of everything! Thank you again y'all for being so supportive! ❤️


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